Updates & Activities - Winter 2015

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Paige Cunningham, JD

  • Was interviewed by “Karl and June Mornings” (Moody radio) on three separate occasions to discuss euthanasia in Belgium, the use of animals to grow human organs, and the physician-assisted suicide law passed in California, a topic also discussed on “Let’s Talk with Mark Elfstrand” (WYLL Chicago).
  • Presented a workshop on the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Prenatal Genetic Discrimination at the 2015 CLS Conference.
  • Participated in a panel discussion representing the bioethical perspective on “The Future of Marriage” with R.R. Reno (editor, First Things), Daniel J. Olsen, and Mike McDuffee at New Covenant Church in Naperville.
  • Presented on the topic “Brave New World: Bioethics, Cloning, and GMO Humans” at the World Congress of Families IX in October. This was part of a panel session on “Choice and Consequences.”
  • Led an adult Sunday school class at The Orchard Church (Arlington Heights, IL) on fetal tissue research ethics in light of the Planned Parenthood controversy
  • Joined a panel for high school students on abortion at College Church (Wheaton, IL).
  • Wrote “Biohazards” column for Salvo magazine on “The Great Cloning Debate” (Winter 2015).

Michael Sleasman, PhD

  • Presented “Machine Morality: Considerations for the Robotic Revolution” for the Division of Science, Technology, and Health Department Chapel at Trinity International University.
  • In October, represented CBHD at the annual meeting of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities in Houston.
  • In November, represented CBHD at the annual professional meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society and American Academy of Religion in Atlanta.

Michael Cox, MA

  • In November, attended the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society where he presented a paper entitled, “Cases of Sex Sin: An Exploration of Deuteronomy 22 and 1 Corinthians 5.”
  • Facilitated two theological bioethics roundtable discussions with graduate students and CBHD staff on Oliver O’Donovan’s Finding and Seeking: Ethics as Theology Volume 2 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2014).

Heather Zeiger, MA

  • Also I have an article on gestational surrogacy coming out in Christian Research Journal in January. Paige was one of my interviews for the article.
  • Continues to offer freelance pieces for phys.org and Salvo Magazine’s blog.

Strategic Partnerships

CBHD continues our ongoing partnership with the Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) and their bioethics initiatives. In early November, the Center continued our annual tradition of hosting the Fall meeting of CMDA’s ethics committee, which is chaired by CBHD Senior Fellow William P. Cheshire, Jr., MD.

Special Supplement on POLST

CBHD members are the first to receive access to our Special Supplement on POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment). The Supplement includes articles by Edward Grant, JD, and Lisa Anderson-Shaw, DPH, MA, MSN, with invited responses by Christian Brugger, DPhil; Mary Harned, JD; Robert D. Orr, MD; and a co-authored response by Patrick Smith, PhD, and Carol Powers, JD. It will be available publicly at cbhd.org/POLST

Coming Soon:  2015 Annual Report