
Our hope for this forum is that it will foster a conversation on behalf of our congregations to discuss, equip, and inspire pastors, ministry leaders, and laypeople regarding the real life issues people are experiencing and seeking Christian guidance on at the intersection of medicine, technology, and the Christian life.

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A New Online Tool for Creating an Advance Directive and Why an AI Won’t Lessen the Need for an AD

John F. Kilner, PhD
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To Thee My Child I Offer

Bryan A. Just, MA
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A Christian Dialogue with the Figure Art of Three Contemporary Artists

Brian S. Chan, DMin
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The Library at the Heart of the AI Boom

Heather Zeiger, MS, MA
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The Burdens and Privileges of Caregiving

Lori Way, MA
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Are Pastors Prepared? A Conversation on Clergy Awareness of Health Issues

Anna Vollema, PhD (Cand.)
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The Council of Trent and Christian Bioethics: Lessons from Church History

Bryan A. Just, MA
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A Christian Foundation for Bioethics: Prayer as Epistemology

Mark J. Cherry, PhD
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God’s Sovereignty in Barrenness

Megan Klint, BA
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Review of Them before Us: Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement

Molly Rumley, BA
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The Manhattan Project and the Seduction of Technology

Heather Zeiger, MS, MA
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A New Strength and Courage

Jim Renke, DMin
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On Being Human: Reflections on Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Movie

Anna Vollema, MA
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Artificial Intelligence: More than Byte-Sized Issues

F. Matthew Eppinette, PhD, MBA
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Compassion, Suffering, and Moral Convictions: The Response to Gender Reassignment Surgery

J. Alan Branch, PhD
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