Everyday Bioethics

Understanding Tomorrow's Bioethical Issues, Today.

A Christian Understanding of Bioethics, Lived Out by the Church.

Everyday Bioethics is an initiative of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity (CBHD), intended to equip Christians, local churches, clergy, and other Christian leaders to responsibly engage ethical issues at the intersection of medicine, science, and technology. As a research center, CBHD engages scholarly conversations about these pressing issues of our day from a distinctly Christian perspective. Everyday Bioethics reflects our commitment to making this scholarship accessible, a space where we translate these often complex issues into everyday language.

As part of CBHD's Bioethics for the Church initiative, Everyday Bioethics offers two kinds of resources. First, the more general resources serve to introduce and equip individuals to engage ethical issues in science, medicine, and technology in their everyday life.  Second, this site also seeks to provide specific resources (such as curricula and other teaching aids) for pastors and other Christian leaders as they equip and shepherd their congregation.

It is our hope that all of these resources promote a key aspect of our organizational vision: that a Christian conception of bioethics is lived out by the Church.

latest intersections Post

A New Online Tool for Creating an Advance Directive and Why an AI Won’t Lessen the Need for an AD

John F. Kilner, PhD
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To Thee My Child I Offer

Bryan A. Just, MA
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A Christian Dialogue with the Figure Art of Three Contemporary Artists

Brian S. Chan, DMin
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Your Global Information Source on Bioethics News, Issues, & Eevents

Bioethics.com is a public service provided by The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity to stay up-to-date with news, issues, and events in bioethics that span the spectrum of medicine, science, and technology.
screenshot of bioethics.com homepage with various articles and links.