Updates & Activities (Fall 2023)

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Center Partnerships

  • Matthew Eppinette and Bryan Just hosted a series of meetings with our conference partner organizations as part of our continued work together.

Staff Bioethical Engagement

Matthew Eppinette

  • Presented an address entitled “Understanding and Responding to the False Promise of Techno-Resurrection” at The Henkle Conference in Nashville, TN.
  • Taught a five-lesson series on consequential questions in bioethics at The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Arlington Heights, IL.
  • Presented a comprehensive update to the Board of Regents of our host institution, Trinity International University.
  • Presented a two-day workshop in Cooperstown, ND on gender confusion for the pastors in the Northern Plains District of the Evangelical Free Church.

Bryan Just

Heather Zeiger