Two newly translated Center articles are now available in Spanish: (
“Envejecer exitosamente: Cómo vivir el final de la vida para la gloria de Dios”
(“Successful Aging: Living the End of Life to the Glory of God” by CBHD Fellow John T. Dunlop, MD)
“Dignidad humana: aún desafiando la devaluación”
(“Human Dignity: Still Defying Devaluation” by CBHD Assistant Director Matthew Eppinette, MBA, MA and Andrew Fergusson MRCGP)
The complete audio recordings from the 2006 CBHD summer conference discussing issues revolving around neuroethics. Complete Recordings $68.75 (CBHD Members $55)
Audio recordings of the seven plenary sessions at the 2006 CBHD summer conference discussing issues revolving around neuroethics. Plenary Sessions Only $37.50 (CBHD Members $30)
Audio versions of several Center articles are now available as podcasts. You can listen online at the podcast section of, or subscribe for free in the iTunes music store or at Yahoo!