Save these Dates! - Fall 2002

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Academic and Continuing Education Credit Available for Each Event

Bioethics Institutes

(Deerfield, Illinois)

Taught by over a dozen leading Christian figures in bioethics. Each Institute includes the July 17-19, 2003 conference on Biotechnology & Bioethics.

Week-long Institutes (July 14—19, 2003):

Intensive Bioethics Institute (Nigel Cameron, Ph.D., Director)

A thorough orientation to the field of bioethics, comparing Christian and nonChristian perspectives.

Advanced Bioethics Institute (John Kilner, Ph.D., Director)

Considers in greater depth various approaches to bioethics, with special reference to end-of-life issues.

Topical Bioethics Institute (C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Director)

Examines the meaning of "caring" and what effective care-giving entails.

Undergrad/Pre-Med Bioethics Institute (July 16-19,2003):

(Joyce Shelton, Ph.D., Director) An orientation to bioethics for those considering careers in ethics, medicine, or health care.

Cultural Pluralism and Bioethics Seminar (July 21-23,2003):

(Harold Netland, Ph.D., and C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Co-Directors) An analysis of con temporary culture and the implications of pluralism for bioethics.

Regional Bioethics Conferences

For more information, call (888)246-3844.

November 1 (eve.) - 2, 2002 -Buffalo, New York:

“Managed Care, End-of-Life Issues, Stem Cell Research, & Cloning”

*If you are interested in hosting a conference co-sponsored by The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity in your area, please contact Jim Moscato or see our web site at