Meet Jennifer McVey

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A warm greeting from The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity. I would like to introduce myself as the new Event and Education Manager for CBHD. It is with great anticipation that I hope to build upon the rich foundation of conferencing and training already established by the Center.

I have been involved in the area of education and conferencing for several years with various churches and organizations. While studying for a Masters of Divinity at Alliance Theological Seminary in New York, I worked with a non-profit organization that is committed to intentionally developing and empowering the next generation of effective Christian leaders around the world. As the assistant director, I had the privilege of coordinating and participating in twenty plus conferences worldwide. In this role I saw firsthand the importance of continued education in furthering God’s Kingdom. I would like to see the influence of the Center continue to grow through expansion of the types of training and events we offer to a wider audience.

One possibility I am currently exploring with the goal of expanding the Center’s influence is reinstituting regional events in strategic locations throughout the country. These events may include conferences, consultations or dinners with a keynote speaker addressing the pertinent issues in bioethics. In several years I hope to have one strategic yearly event in each of four different regions of the country. As a staff we are also exploring the expansion of online conferencing activities, providing webinars, as well as expanding our campus activities through consultations and lectureships. Stay tuned to the events tab on for further development of regional events and other initiatives.

CBHD’s 16th Annual Summer Conference, Global Bioethics: Emerging Challenges Facing Human Dignity was the first event I managed for the Center. One thing that I heard again and again from our international attendees was the great need for bioethics education and awareness in countries around the world. Moving forward I hope to explore ways in which the Center can address this need and be a support to those attempting to address bioethical issues in their respective contexts. One way in which we are already moving in this direction is through launching the Global Bioethics Education Initiative (GBEI). This summer was our inaugural year. You can read further about GBEI in this issue of Dignitas.

Another initiative we began this fall, to further our work to explore, equip and engage, is a consulting service for those who are current members of CBHD. As availability allows, we will provide guidance on the scope and logistics of event planning and strategic counsel from senior staff regarding the program for members who desire to run a bioethics related event. The first event that CBHD consulted on was a keynote dinner in response to legislation regarding physicianassisted suicide that emerged in New Hampshire. The event was conducted by CBHD member, Colleen McCormick, and The Cabrini Institute. Look in the next issue of Dignitas for a full report of the event. In this case, CBHD also co-sponsored the event and provided financial assistance. If you are a current member and interested in having CBHD consult on your event, please email me with a description of the proposed event. Along with senior staff, I will review the proposals and extend our consulting service to those events that are strategic to our mission.

I am passionate about seeing the people of God live out His Kingdom. I see the work of the Center as being an integral component in this as we promote human dignity in our continued exploration of the nexus of biomedicine, biotechnology, and our common humanity. I am pleased to work with a visionary organization like The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity.

I enjoyed meeting many of you at our summer conference and look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions or suggestions related to training and events at CBHD, please feel free to contact me at Hope to see you at our 17th Annual Summer Conference, Beyond Therapy: Exploring Enhancement and Human Futures, July 15-17, 2010. It is going to be one of our best conferences to date!