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Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends

Kevin J Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson & Michael J. Sleasman

Everyday theology is the reflective and practical task of living each day as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. In other words, theology is not just for Sundays, and it’s not just for professional theologians. Everyday Theology teaches all Christians how to get the theological lay of the land. It enables them to become more conscious of the culture they inhabit every day so that they can understand how it affects them and how they can affect it. If theology is the ministry of the Word to the world, everyday theologians need to know something about that world, and Everyday Theology shows them how to understand their culture and make an impact on it.

“I am one of those Christians who have theological questions about Eminem, MySpace, grocery stores, and the like. So I am very pleased that we now have this book of stimulating and important reflections on such matters. These authors demonstrate how to think theologically about popular culture.”--Richard J. Mouw, president and professor of Christian philosophy, Fuller Seminary
“Kevin Vanhoozer, Charles Anderson, and Michael Sleasman bring together a bright team of culture readers . . . . They are pioneers, I hope, of a new era among faithful people in constructive, discerning, and loving engagement rather than reactive, superficial, and judgmental antagonism toward our culture.”--Brian McLaren, AUTHOR

Biotechnology and the Human Good

C. Ben Mitchell, Edmund D. Pellegrino, Jean Bethke Elshtain, John F. Kilner, and Scott B. Rae

Some of humankind’s greatest tools have been forged in the research laboratory. Who could argue that medical advances like antibiotics, blood transfusions, and pacemakers have not improved the quality of people’s lives? But with each new technological breakthrough comes an array of consequences, at once predicted and unpredictable, beneficial and hazardous.

Outcry over recent developments in the reproductive and genetic sciences has revealed deep fissures in society’s perception of biotechnical progress. Many are concerned that reckless technological development, driven by consumerist impulses and greedy entrepreneurialism, has the potential to radically shift the human condition—and not for the greater good. Biotechnology and the Human Good builds a case for a stewardship deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian theism to responsibly interpret and assess new technologies in a way that answers this concern.

“Moves the ethical debate over biotechnology to a new level. Biotechnology and the Human Good offers a critical analysis and constuctive engagement that is informed, astute, and elegant. A must-read for anyone concerned about the prospect of a posthuman future.” Brent Waters, GARRETT-EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY
“United by their conviction that traditional Christianity must respond to the latest conundrums of biomedical research, the authors of Biotechnology and the Human Good write with clarity and passion.” Ronald Cole-Turner, PITTSBURGH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY