Center Resources - Summer 2005

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For a complete listing of resources, visit or call 888.246.3844. M = Member; NM = Non Member (to order by mail, use enclosed order form)

Advance Directive Kit

• Sample Advance Directive Form & Instructions (simple and easy to understand)

• Dr. John Kilner’s Article “Don’t Wait to Make Your End-of-Life Wishes Known”

• BioBasics Booklet Basic Questions on End of Life Decisions

This kit is very helpful for answering many questions about end-of-life decisions, and it offers a way for you and your loved ones to prepare for the possibility of becoming unable to make critical medical decisions on your own.

Code# P009 M price: $9.60 NM price: $12

BioBasics Series: The Two Latest Books Basic Questions on Healthcare: What Should Good Care Include?

Dónal P. O’Mathúna, et al. Basic Questions on Genetics, Stem Cell Research, and

Cloning: Are These Technologies Okay to Use? Linda K. Bevington, et al.

Code# BSET02 M price: $8.76 NM price: $10.95

Cutting Edge Bioethics: A Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends

John F. Kilner, C. Christopher Hook, and Diann B. Uustal (eds.)

Provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics–including the current debate surrounding stem cell research. Fifteen notable scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of today’s newest and most controversial research in the field of biotechnology – xenotransplantation, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and more – and evaluate from a Christian perspective both the science and the ethical questions such issues raise.

Code# B008 M price: $17.60 NM price: $22.00

Bioethics: A Christian Approach in a Pluralistic Age

Scott B. Rae and Paul M. Cox This is the first volume of a series offering biblically informed perspectives on contemporary issues in bioethics in dialogue with other popular perspectives and provides a broad-based introduction to the field of bioethics.

Code# B101 M price: $25.60 NM price: $32.00

Bioengagement: Making a Christian Difference Through Bioethics Today

Nigel M. de S. Cameron, Scott E. Daniels, and Barbara J. White (eds.) A compilation of writings from twenty scholars, medical practitioners, and participants in the public arena, this book takes seriously the Christian mandate to engage today’s contemporary culture on the crucial issues raised by biotechnology. It sets forth a vision of Christian leadership in public policy, addresses the reciprocal effect of bioethics and culture, and finally offers timely strategies for impacting today’s society on issues so central to human life and dignity.

Code# B007 M price: $17.60 NM price: $32.00

Does God Need Our Help? Cloning, Assisted Suicide, & Other Challenges in Bioethics

John F. Kilner, C. Ben Mitchell This book discusses critical bedside and biotech challenges in an easily readable way, informs readers of the newest advances in biotechnology, and clearly states the biblical principles by which Christians can evaluate biotechnologies and health care. It also offers discussion questions after each chapter. 233 pages.

Code# B305 M price: $8.80 NM price: $11

Aging, Death, and the Quest for Immortality

C. Ben Mitchell, Robert D. Orr, and Susan A. Salladay (editors) A timely volume by physicians, health-care professionals, pastors, and ethicists who explore the experiences, dilemmas, and possibilities associated with aging. The book’s four sections deal with the experience of aging, ethical issues in aging, caring for the aging, and the quest for immortality.

Code# B307 M price: $19.20 NM price: $24.00

Genetic Ethics: Do the Ends Justify the Genes?

John F. Kilner, Rebecca D. Pentz, and Frank E. Young (eds.) Including chapters written by those who have personally or professionally experienced the challenging issues of genetics, this book seeks to provide information and counsel to those affected by the current “genetic age.” The book addresses from a Christian perspective the challenges and ethical issues presented by genetic disease, genetic research and technology, genetic testing and counseling, and genetic intervention.

Code# B003 M price: $17.60 NM price: $22.00

The Pill: Addressing the Scientific And Ethical Questions of the Abortifacient Issue

Linda K .Bevington and Russell DiSilvestro This resource consists of an updated collection of articles addressing the complex question of whether the birth control pill sometimes act to cause the death of an early embryo. This question has caused some couples, physicians, and pastors to cease use, prescription, and/or advocacy of the pill, while others remain unconvinced of its alleged abortifacient effect

Code# P008 M price: $15.20 NM price: $19.00

The Changing Face of Health Care: A Christian Appraisal of Managed Care, Resource Allocation, and Patient-Caregiver Relationships

John F. Kilner, Robert D. Orr, and Judith Shelley (eds.) Drawing upon the special expertise of physicians, nurses, administrators, ethicists, lawyers, and those in other professions, this book is a timely and much needed resource for everyone grappling with today’s changing health care system. The book provides a Christian analysis of the challenges of health care—focusing specifically on managed care, resource allocation, and patientcaregiver relationships.

Code# B005 M price: $19.00 NM price: $15.20