For a complete listing of resources, visit or call 888.246.3844. M = Member; NM = Non Member (to order by mail, use enclosed order form)
Advance Directive Kit
• Sample Advance Directive Form & Instructions (simple and easy to understand)
• Dr. John Kilner’s Article “Don’t Wait to Make Your End-of-Life Wishes Known”
• BioBasics Booklet Basic Questions on End of Life Decisions
This kit is very helpful for answering many questions about end-of-life decisions, and it offers a way for you and your loved ones to prepare for the possibility of becoming unable to make critical medical decisions on your own.
Code# P009 M price: $9.60 NM price: $12
The Pill: Addressing the Scientific and Ethical Questions of the Abortifacient Issue
Linda K. Bevington and Russell DiSilvestro (editors) A collection of material addressing both sides of the abortifacient controversy, as well as the broader implications of pill use. Includes FAQ’s, position statements of major Christian organizations, and an annotated bibliography. 198 pages.
Code# P008 M price: $15.20 NM price: $19
Does God Need Our Help? Cloning, Assisted Suicide, & Other Challenges in Bioethics
John F. Kilner, C. Ben Mitchell
This book discusses critical bedside and biotech challenges in an easily readable way, informs readers of the newest advances in biotechnology, and clearly states the biblical principles by which Christians can evaluate biotechnologies and health care. It also offers discussion questions after each chapter. 233 pages.
Code# B305 M price: $8.80 NM price: $11
Cutting-Edge Bioethics: A Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends
John F. Kilner, C. Christopher Hook, and Diann B. Uustal (editors) This book provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics — including the current debate over stem cell research, artificial intelligence, and more. These issues — and the ethical questions they raise — are evaluated from a Christian perspective by notable scholars and medical practitioners. 201 pages.
Code# B008 M price: $17.60 NM price: $22
From the best of CBHD’s resources. Buy the whole CD set!
A = Cassette • C = CD • M = Member • NM = Non Member Cassettes: M price = $6.40 NM price = $8.00 CDs: M Price = $8.00 NM price = $10.00 CD Set: M price = 67.20 NM Price = $84.00
Nigel Cameron, Ph.D.
Autonomy and the Right to Die
Argues that there is no right to die based on notions of autonomy and compassion.
Code# A129, C129
John Dunlop, M.D.
Successful Aging: Living the End of Life to the Glory of God
Challenges the Church to re-evaluate the role they give senior citizens.
Code# A706, C706
Joni Eareckson Tada
The Quest for Control
Relates how to leave control of one’s life in the hands of God.
Code# A426, C426
Geoffrey Fieger, J.D., Edmund Pellegrino, M.D.
A Public Debate on Physician-Assisted Suicide
Features debate between Pellegrino and Kevorkian’s former attorney.
Code# A126, C126
Stanley Hauerwas, Ph.D.
Why No One Wants to Suffer or Die in America
Elucidates concepts of hope and death against current understandings.
Code# A710, C710
Dennis Hollinger, Ph.D.
Congregational Ministry and the Good Death
Describes the Church’s two-fold role in the face of death.
Code# A119, C119
C. Christopher Hook, M.D.
Medical Futility
Evaluates the right to demand treatment and definitions of futility.
Code# A113, C113
John Kilner, Ph.D.
Forgoing Treatment
Presents an alternative to the extremes of overtreatment and undertreatment.
Code# A112, C112
Robert Orr, M.D.
Ethical Issues in an Aging Population
Challenges people to turn to Scripture and the Church to make decisions regarding clinical ethics.
Code# A719, C719
Cindy Province, R.N., M.S.N.
The Persistent Vegetative State
Explores problems associated with the diagnosis of PVS.
Code# A823, C823
Wesley Smith, J.D.
A Duty to Die?
Examines societal trends and views towards the impaired and undeveloped human life.
Code# A724, C724
Martha Twaddle, M.D.
Describes a team approach to hospice that respects patients’ dignity.
Code# A115, C115