Center Resources - Fall 2002

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Selected Books

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M = Member; NM = Non Member

Cutting Edge Bioethics: A Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends

John F Kilner~ C. Christopher Hook, and Diann B. Uustal (editors)

This NEW BOOK from The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics—including the current debate surrounding stem cell research.

Fifteen notable scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of today’s newest and most controversial research in the field of biotechnology—xeno-transplantation, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and more—and evaluate from a Christian perspective both the science and the ethical questions such issues raise. Designed to orient readers to the current state of biomedical research, Cutting-Edge Bioethics is a must-read for anyone wishing to learn more about the challenging moral dilemmas posed by this ever-advancing field.

Contributors: Mary Adam, Helen Alvare, Linda Bevington, Francis Collins, E. David Cook, Robert Garcia, Francis Cardinal George, C. Christopher Hook, Nancy Jones, Donal O’Mathuna, C. Ben Mitchell, John Patrick, Scoff Rae, Daryl Sas, Richard Swenson, and Diann Uustal. 201 pp.

Code#B008 M price $17 NM price $22

Bioengagement: Making a Christian Difference Through Bioethics Today

Sets forth a vision of Christian leadership in public policy, addresses the reciprocal effect of bioethics and culture, and offers timely strategies for impacting today’s society on issues central to human life and dignity. It takes seriously the Christian mandate to engage today’s contemporary culture on the crucial issues raised by biotechnology. 265 pp.

Code#BOD7 M price $17 NM price $22

Genetic Ethics: Do the Ends Justify the Genes?

Addresses from a Christian perspective the challenges and ethical issues presented by genetic disease, genetic research and technology, genetic testing and counseling, and genetic intervention. 291 pp. Code#B003. M price $17 NM price $22


Complete set of all 4 booklets #BSETO1 M set price $11 • NM set price $14 • M booklet price $3• NM booklet price $4

Alternative Medicine

96-page booklet includes answers to questions such as "Is using acupuncture of herbal remedies an acceptable therapy?" 


End of Life Decisions

89-page booklet includes answers to questions such as "Should suffering be avoided at all costs?" 


Reproductive Technology

77-page booklet includes answers to questions such as "Is it ok to use fertility drugs or in vitro fertilization?" 

Code #B203

Suicide and Euthanasia

80-page booklet includes answers to questions such as "How does human dignity relate to the taking of human life?"


Features Speaker's Resources

A = Audio • V = Video • M = Member • NM = Non-member audios: M price = $5 NM price = $7 • videos: M price = $12 NM Price = $16*

Edmund Pellegrino, M.D.; Geoffrey Fieger, J.D.

Professor of Medicine & Medical Ethics, Georgetown University; Former Attorney for Jack Kevorkian

A Public Debate on Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide

Edmund Pellegrino draws upon non-religious arguments in debating Geoffrey Fieger on the issue of physician-assisted suicide.

Code#A126, V114

C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D.

Prof. of Bioethics and Contemporary Culture at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Ethical Challenges Ahead

Highlights critical ethical challenges expected to emerge in the coming biotechnology age, and suggests a strategy for societal engagement in the next decade and beyond.


Dennis Hollinger, Ph.D.

Vice Provost, Messiah College

Congregational Ministry and the Good Death

Describes the Church's two-fold role in the face of death and dying as proclamation and community care.

Code#A119, V111

Nancy Pearcey, M.A.

Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute, Center for the Renewal of Science & Culture

Technology is Biblical/Historical Context

Explains the inability of most people to justify their moral intuitions about technology, and the apologetic opportunity that creates.


Nigel Cameron, Ph.D.

Dean, Wilberforce Forum

Autonomy and the Right to Die

Argues there there is no right to die based on the notions of autonomy and compassion– we are not our own.

Code#A129, V116

Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D.

Director, National Human Genome Research Institute

The Genetic Revolution

Asserts that many sectors of society, particularly the Church, must grapple with the challenges and implications of emerging genetic knowledge and technologies.

Code#A606, V601