Bioengagement Spring-Winter 2020

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Ernest Cline, ReadyPlayer Two

(Ballantine Books, 2020).

Emerging Technology,Neuroethics, Personhood, Technology & Society, Virtual Reality.


Paul Kingsnorth, Alexandria: A Novel (

GraywolfPress, 2020).

Meaning of the Human Person, Consciousness Uploading,Posthumanism, Transhumanism.


Martha Wells, All Systems Red


Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Autonomous Weapons.


Bioethics at the Box Office


I Care A Lot

(2020, Netflix).

Elder Care, ElderAbuse, Geriatrics, Court-Appointed Guardians.


Keepers of the House

(2020, Duke Franklin HumanitiesInstitute, Documentary).

Hospital Environment, Human Dignity,Non-Medical Hospital Personnel, Empathy, Teamwork.



(2020, Searchlight).

Aging in America,Geriatrics.


Project Power

(2020, Netflix).

Human Enhancement,Pharmaceutical Enhancement, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Transhumanism.


Sound of Metal

(2019, Amazon).

Deafness asDisability or Difference?  



(2020, HBO Max).

ArtificialIntelligence, Privacy, Surveillance, Emerging Technology, Internet of Things.


Primetime Bioethics


Lenox Hill

(2020, Netflix, Docuseries).

ClinicalMedicine, Emergency Medicine, Residency, Neurosurgery, Labor and Delivery,Urban Medicine.


Love, Death,& Robots


Biotechnology, Cyborgs, Emerging Technology, HumanEnhancement, Radical Life Extension, Reproductive Ethics, Robotics, Technology& Society.



(2020, NBC).

Canadian Medicine,Emergency Medicine, End of Life Issues, Immigration and Medicine.


Unnatural Selection

(2019, Netflix, Docuseries).

HumanEnhancement, Genetics, Biohacking, CRISPR, Xenotransplantation, Gene Therapy, HumanExperimentation.



(2020, Amazon).

Consciousness Uploading, RadicalLife Extension, Utopian Thinking.