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September 21, 2012

"Framing the Discussion" was the opening session from the Center's 2012 Annual Summer Conference Reclaiming Dignity in a Culture of Commodification, given by the Center's Managing Director and Research Scholar, Michael J. Sleasman, PhD. The session discussed how human dignity, once a cornerstone for bioethics, is increasingly obscured by a contemporary culture of commodification. Myopic fixation on sexuality, fertility, and reproduction reduces the female body to a resource for medical exploitation and reproductive tourism. Procreation is being engulfed by the reproductive imperative and the child of choice. Without neglecting the ongoing emphases on beginning- and end-of-life issues, our task must include attention to prenatal discrimination, the neglect of the girl child, worldwide disparities in women’s healthcare and maternal mortality, and the objectification and exploitation of the female body. Responsible Christian bioethics embraces her dignity as essential to her community and foundational to our common humanity.