Elizabeth Hensley, MD is a pediatrician from Jackson, Mississippi. She received a BA in psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi, an MD from the University of Mississippi, and completed a pediatric residency at Batson Children’s Hospital. Her professional experience has included private practice, academics, public health, and corporate medicine. She served as the medical director for the Blake Clinic for Children, a large multispecialty clinic for children with special needs. Dr. Hensley also worked for several years as the medical director for a large corporate health insurer interacting with multifaceted dimensions of healthcare policy and bioethical issues in both the private and government sectors. She is Affiliate Faculty with the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the University of Mississippi Medical Center where she and her husband, Dr. Sam Hensley, co-direct and teach a fourth year medical student elective which focuses on philosophical and religious perspectives in contemporary bioethics.