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Limits: The Role of the Law in Bioethical Decision Making

Indiana University Press
Place of Publication: 
Bloomington, IN

"An excellent resource for entry-level courses on bioethics for health care practitioners, law students, and physicians." —Choice

"Dworkin's provocative arguments . . . will challenge readers who have come to accept the law's intrusion as a necessary response to biomedical advances." —New England Journal of Medicine

"Important and refreshing. Dworkin's conclusions regarding the limited role of law (and especially legislation) may come as a surprise to many. . . . When popular and political views are almost evenly divided, looking to legislation for a solution is a mistake." —Walter Wadlington

The ethical and social dilemmas associated with abortion, sterilization, assisted reproduction, genetics, death and dying, and biomedical research have led many to turn to the legal system for solutions. Rogert Dworkin argues that resort to law often overlooks the limitations of legal institutions, and he suggests a more limited use of the legal system will produce more effective resolution of bioethical dilemmas. (Publisher)