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Children in Medical Research: Access versus Protection

Oxford University Press
Place of Publication: 
New York

Lainie Ross presents a rigorous critical investigation of the development of policy governing the involvement of children in medical research. She examines the shift in focus from protection of medical research subjects, enshrined in post-World War II legislation, to the current era in which access is assuming greater precedence. Infamous studies such as Willowbrook (where mentally retarded children were infected with hepatitis) are evidence that before the policy shift protection was not always adequate, even for the most vulnerable groups. Additional safeguards for children were first implemented in many countries in the 1970s and 1980s; more recent policies and guidelines are trying to promote greater participation. Ross examines whether the safeguards work, whether they are fair, and how they apply in actual research practice, and she offers specific recommendations to modify current policies and guidelines. (Publisher)