What does it mean to think well? How do we develop our minds so that we can think deeply about important issues such as technology, faith, and culture? Melinda Schmidt of Moody Radio's Midday Connection talks with Michael Sleasman in this inaugural episode of the Bring to Mind podcast series about how we can cultivate our minds in the midst of all these advances in medicine, science, and technology.

In this interview, Dr. Sleasman addresses the increasing role of technology in our lives and the inadequacy of our knowledge concerning this ever-changing technology. He addresses questions such as the preparation of pastors and Christian leaders to engage with technological and bioethical questions, and provides suggestions on how to cultivate our own "life of the mind" in order to navigate our increasingly technologically-obsessed culture.

The episode originally aired on October 30, 2012 as "Cultivation of the Mind" Bring to Mind, Episode 1, Midday Connection, Moody Radio. This audio is copyrighted by Moody Radio and is posted with permission. The interview was accompanied with a guest post ("Reclaiming a Life of the Mind") to the Midday Connection blog which is available here.

Dr. Sleasman also returned for subsequent interviews on the 1st and 2nd anniversary episodes:

Cultivation of the Mind, Part 2

Cultivation of the Mind, Part 3